Opening April 2025 with spaces for 0-5 year olds
Opening April 2025 with spaces for 0-5 year olds
The Diggers were hard at work collecting the sand (cereal). Scooping, tipping, pouring all coming together here.
Time to feed the animals, with a nice hearty breakfast of cereals, fruit and yoghurt there was plenty for everyone (and some for our poppets too).
By using a muffin tin and different ingredients we were able to carefully sort the items into each section.
We often sing songs at the piano together and make up our own little tunes.
We have a large selection of musical instruments to use; drums, guitars, piano and many more.
My background in music enables me to share a love of music with the children but also encourages them to learn new skills.
Our cosy book corner, regular stories and our huge selection of books are there to encourage a love of reading.
Reading stories together and encouraging repetition will add to your little one's vocabulary.
Books with pictures not only add to our vocabulary but encourage us to spot different colours, animals, objects and much more.
Our local playground is just a short walk from our front door.
At home we have many toys in the garden to choose from including a mud kitchen and a large Wendy house too.
Being outside also allows us to spot different types of wildlife and plants.
Being inside gives us time to focus on one activity and to set challenges based on our age.
Our range of toys encourages a development of fine motor skills.
Making stories within our play, combining toys to expand our ideas and learning how things work.
Time to scoop in the batter and create some yummy treats.
Cooking together means that we not only learn different food names and groups but we hopefully learn how much fun new foods can be.
It's important to use the right equipment in the kitchen and to teach the children how to use it safely too.
Petteridge Poppets Child Care
30 Porters Close, Petteridge Lane, Matfield, Kent, TN12 7LY
Copyright © 2025 Petteridge Poppets Child Care - All Rights Reserved.